Thursday, November 20, 2008

Campaign Analytics

I am really interested in how much money Obama raised from small donors vs large donors. Does the argument "even if he has some 'large' donors it doesn't matter because even if he looses them they are a very small percent of the total" make sense?

This story has a bit of info on the topic.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Firefox vs Safari

I am not looking to write the definitive guide. I don't even consider myself a browser afficianado. But I do dabble and now I am finding that I forget why I choose one over the other.

I use Firefox as my day to day browser for a few reasons:
  • phishing filter (no longer after Safari 3.2)
  • adblock plus
  • renders more sites correctly than safari
  • force windows to open in tabs
  • all my stuff (history, bookmarks, etc) are already there
  • center click in safari doesn't open a background tab
  • clicking on an RSS feed adds it to google reader (could I get Safari to behave this way?)
  • when you cut and paste something into blogger it works on Firefox but not for Safari
Of course Safari has some things going for it too:
  • respects the home/end key fix to make home go to beginning of line and end go to the end of the line